Sunday, July 31, 2011

Review: Touché Amoré - Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me

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Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me documents an entire cathartic experience in a mere twenty-one minutes. In spite of the brevity, however, the record is ultimately fulfilling. It is passionate, awe-inspiring, and a testament to the dedication and collaboration of five talented musicians and one equally talented producer. “There is weight in the words we’ve said, too heavy to carry in our heads,” remarks singer and lyricist Jeremy Bolm on “Face Ghost.” Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me is certainly a capsule of once bottled-up emotions. More than anything, it is a release in the sense that it comes clean and confronts these emotions.

Contrary to the sentiment of “The Great Repetition” in which Bolm notes his ongoing struggles with the recurring mundanity of his environment, the record itself avoids saying the same thing twice. While a singular theme is consistent throughout, Bolm communicates introspection without relying on a chorus or more than one or two refrains.

There is truly a sense of urgency pushing the music, with each song transitioning seamlessly into the next, often without pause. “Uppers/Downers” ends with Bolm frantically screaming, “You said,” which are also the first two words of the following track, “Crutch.” The intense three-part sequence climaxes with “Method Act,” a heavy, confessional recollection of fears and anxieties.

There are several quiet moments, but they are trimmed down to the most essential components. The opening notes of “Face Ghost” initially indicate a post-hardcore ambition in the vein of Envy, but the song quickly picks up, weaving through a few dynamic adjustments in under two-and-a-half minutes. “Condolences,” comprised solely of piano and haunting screams, is an effective, unique ballad and the perfect bridge between the much harsher “Wants/Needs” and the more melodic tour anthem “Home Away From Here.” The phenomenal closer “Amends,” as well, demonstrates a shift in tone. While the first forty-five seconds are characterized by relentless blast beats and driving guitar work, the final minute eases off the ascending tension, as a somber, quiet guitar riff culminates in Bolm’s most vulnerable moment: an honest apology.

Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me is a much more melodic record than its predecessor, but the intensity and the raw emotion remain apparent, if not magnified. With its intricate guitar work, speed and catchiness, the well-placed “Pathfinder” may be this record’s “Nine,” while opening track “~” is easily as powerful as “And Now It’s Happening in Mine.” There are some thematic similarities as well, but there are also significant differences. the Beat of a Dead Horse was a record of isolation and hopelessness. Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me essentially picks up where the debut left off, though, this time around, the album is notably concerned with making reparations, and the journey is structured as a linear progression from dwelling on hostility and shattered friendships to promising to do one’s best to prevent them.

Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me is dark and emotionally exhausting, but it is also sincere and incredibly moving. It is clear that the entire record was approached in a thoughtful, meticulous fashion, as evidenced by the remarkable musicianship, the devastating lyrics and vocals, the excellent production by Ed Rose, the flawless track sequencing, and the terrific artwork done by guitarist Nick Steinhardt.

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