The passage of the new Arizona immigration law has stirred up a lot of controversy, to say the least, and my former home state has been placed in the spotlight like never before. I disagree with the law wholeheartedly. I even wrote about it for one of my reflection papers in Race, Class, and Gender, but I’ll refrain from delving into that issue once again, as there’s not a lot for me to say that hasn’t already been said through heated debates. However, I would like to mention a separate occurrence that stems from these recent events, a widespread sentiment that’s exemplified within the thoughtless statement of “Fuck Arizona.”
“Fuck Arizona,” as I’ve witnessed on message boards and other sites, is nothing but an oversimplified stance. It represents a lack of thoughtful consideration. It is a blanket thrown over one-hundred-thousand square miles of desert that, ironically enough, generalizes an enormous group of people, regardless of whether or not that was the intention.
Many outsiders have called for a boycott. Rage Against the Machine and Rise Against (the name similarity is entirely coincidental) are amongst several artists who have decided to snub their Arizonian fans in response to the immigration law. For future tours, these bands vow to avoid performing within those state lines. Southwestern tours, I suppose, will skip from Southern California straight to New Mexico, and vice versa.
Wait. Since when are local Arizona music fans the source of the problem? In all likelihood, no one who listens to RATM or Rise Against is in support of the new law. What many will construe to be a punishment (and if I were there, it would certainly feel like one, assuming that I’m a bigger fan of the aforementioned bands) will alienate a group that already stands in opposition. Everyone else, that is, all of those who support the legislation, will not even take notice of the bands’ absence.
I realize that this boycott, like any, is intended to restrict the accumulation of state revenue. But where do these bands get off in thinking that they’re so important? I’m sorry, Rise Against, but you are not essential to Arizona’s economy. Skipping Arizona says nothing. What’s the difference if, prior to the law’s passage, the band rarely visited to begin with? I’ve never spent a dollar in Texas. Does this mean that I’ve been boycotting it along? No.
Action is much more commendable than inaction disguised as a form of protest. There are much more productive alternatives, alternatives that don’t treat Arizonians as if they’re all bigoted assholes. Play a benefit. Play for free. Support independently-owned venues, or play a basement. Raise awareness to the issue at hand rather than pretend that the state doesn’t exist.
And unless the wheels of their tour buses are not touching Arizona’s roads on the way from San Diego to Albuquerque, and unless they’re not filling up for gas somewhere along Arizona’s three-hundred mile diameter, then they’re being pretty hypocritical to boot.